A partial inventory of pictures irretrievably lost when my camera was stolen:
-portraits of the Khmer family that fed me and showed me their epic wedding day karaoke video on their phone in O Smach
-a series detailing the profound amounts of trash to be found throughout the country, prompting this quip: "Show me a stretch of land that is without heaps of plastic trash and I'll show you the still-warm ashes of a trash fire"
-a clandestine shot of my six-fingered taxi driver
-skulls from the Killing Fields that resemble egg incubators
-a series of the delightful hand-painted signage in Phnom Penh advertising beauty products
-photos of fried critters in the market, including giant black tarantulas
-a cow strolling on the beach
-a portrait of the woman who told me about her experiences at the hands of the Khmer Rouge
-self-portrait resembling White Moses
-a friend licking a syringe found on the beach at Otres
-a devastating seven-shot series of portraits from Tuol Sleng Museum of unnamed womens' mugshots (before their execution out in said Fields), the moisture, sun, and mold having already erased their faces from human memory