Nelly Furtado "I'm Loose"
This is some crazy on-air joint from a 6CD set of every take on what would be shoved down our goddamned throats in '06 as the summertime jam "Promiscuous." On the original, Furtado mewls the Iggster's original words about riding along on a big fat weenie that's slick and greasy. Fuck, I'm sick of this mash-up. I may as well listen to it 30 times in a row on one CD, as that's what it's like on the dial.
Whatever that Cam'ron and Lil' Wayne joint is where they hang like scarecrows geting some brain. Rote and phoned in, but whatevs.
Supertramp "The Logical Song"
The co-pilot gushes aloud about what the hell happened to Supertramp. "I was just talking about them at my buddy's barbeque last weekend." He swears they were "so huge" back when. "And wait, this is the best part." He cranks up the volume as the wonky sax part kicks in, suddenly realizing I'm in a van full of rockists. But I wait for it and then there it is: these bizarre bleeps right in the middle of the brass wailing. "It's the sound of one of those Collecovision football games," he tells me. I want to make it my ringtone.
Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway
It's what the God listens to.
The best story R. Allah tells is a story about his mother being a singer, and his aunt, R. Brown. He would watch her get ready for a show at the Cotton Club, sewing up her gown and placing sequins on it and her shoes. "I'd just be eating Slim Jims watching her prepare. You'd have never known she was about to go perform, just cool as a cucumber. "
New York Dolls "Personality Crisis"
Almost swerve off the road into a pine tree when I hear the New York Dolls on rock radio. Admire how ragged and rasped Buster Pointdexter sounded back then before his sex change, as both the band and my vehicle careen around in high hills. S/He sounded ancient back then, which explains how this also fits in with the whole Harry Smith project as well. And then the thirty-year-old fishnets shred and I realize that the Dolls are live in the studio tearing into it. I really shouldn't be behind the wheel now. The on-air personality gushes that you can hear that the Dolls are "just having fun up there."